Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Inside Story On Noni Juice Benefits

Click Here For Discount Shipping on Tahitian Noni Juice Noni is a tree which bears a fruit of the same name and is originally from Polynesia as well as the islands of Hawaii. Noni is seen as being a special fruit in Hawaii because of all the benefits it has when it comes to health. Indigenous healers on the islands of Hawaii have used noni for centuries to cure a variety of health problems including aches and pains in the joints and stomach pain arising from poor digestion. Even though traditional healers have known of noni juice benefits for centuries, science is just now starting to study its healing mechanisms in the human body. In Hawaii where a great deal of noni is cultivated, the fruit is left to mature completely and only then is it picked and pressed to make noni juice. Because of this, noni juice which comes from Hawaii has a taste which is superior to other kinds of noni juice since the latter tend to be made from fruit which is picked too early. There are a great number of noni juice benefits including an enhanced sense of vitality and well being from drinking as little as a glass a day. There is ongoing scientific investigation into noni juice benefits however the FDA is yet to evaluate any health claims about the juice so please do keep this is mind.Even so, a couple of the most talked about noni juice benefits are:

Better Digestion: Noni contains compounds which facilitate the absorption of important vitamins and minerals through aiding in the breakdown of specific enzymes.For our bodies to make proper use of the nutrients in food, good absorption in the digestive tract is vital so noni juice plays an important role in digestion.

Healthier Immune System: A well functioning immune system is vital for our general well being. Drinking noni juice benefits you by giving your immune system a boost assisting to protect you from harmful microbes and toxins.

Better Cardiovascular Health: Noni contains many important compounds, one of which can help to lower blood pressure and this is called scopoletin. Noni also stimulates the body's production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is important since it opens blood vessels, promoting easier blood flow and as such it takes pressure off of the arteries as well as the heart.

Stimulates the Mind and Promotes Emotional Well Being: Noni juice benefits include the increase of serotonin an important neurotransmitter. Serotonin is a mood elevator and plays an important role in our overall sense of well being. Furthermore a balanced level of serotonin in the brain stimulates clear thinking and allows us mental clarity.

Other important noni juice benefits include the fact that it's very high in antioxidants. For this reason should you not wish to drink noni juice to treat a specific ailment then it is still worth consuming for this benefit alone. Noni juice is typically not highly regarded for its taste but you do get used to it.For this reason though it's probably best to start with a dose of a about one ounce which you can slowly begin to increase.However if the taste is very unpleasant for you then just blend it with other "sweeter" fruits such as blackberry or strawberry.

Clearly there are numerous noni juice benefits making this super food a worthwhile addition to your diet. So why not experience first-hand the benefits of noni juice today?